Accessibility Compliance Consulting
Accessibility Compliance Drives Design
Most built environments are subject to accessible design and construction requirements triggered by the building code and any applicable local, state, and federal accessibility laws, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Fair Housing Act (FHA).
We work with these laws and codes every day. Our team has longstanding knowledge of the accessibility requirements that apply to all types of buildings and facilities in locations across the U.S.
We review your plans to ensure compliance with applicable accessibility requirements and collaborate with you from schematic design through construction documents and in the field from early framing through construction close out.
Get it right from the start.
Our suite of accessibility compliance services addresses every stage of design and construction and ensures that compliance is never compromised. We also serve as a resource for clients considering alterations to an existing building or facility.
After careful review of plans, specifications, and related documentation, our consultants work with the design team to ensure that final design and construction documents comply fully with applicable accessibility requirements.
We conduct inspections during all phases of a construction and alterations project to ensure compliance with regulatory and building code requirements for accessible design and construction.
Due Diligence
For clients interested in acquiring new properties, we inspect existing buildings to identify noncompliance and provide the results to help determine the true value of a real estate investment.
Existing Building
For clients interested in understanding the current status of compliance, we inspect one to an entire portfolio of existing buildings.
Remediation Plan
Our team advises on necessary modifications and improvements to resolve design and construction issues and bring facilities into compliance.
We are there to address client inquiries related to all aspects of accessibility, including recommendations for best practices.
Accessibility: Codes and Regulations
We ensure that projects comply with accessibility requirements of building codes and disability rights laws including:
- The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- The Fair Housing Amendments Act (FHA)
- Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- Architectural Barriers Act (ABA)
- State and Local Human Rights Laws
- State and Local Building Codes

Our Accessibility Work