Robb Aldrich, PE
Principal Mechanical Engineer
Started with Firm: 2000
B.A. Chemistry & Environmental Science, Colby College, Waterville, ME
M.S. Engineering, Building Systems Program, University of Colorado, Boulder
Professional Engineer (PE), Connecticut
Robb Aldrich is a Principal Mechanical Engineer at SWA, focusing on evaluating new technologies, modeling building performance, optimizing designs, and researching new products and systems. Since 2010, his focus has shifted more and more towards heat pump technologies and electrification of residential buildings. Before coming to SWA in 2000, he spent several years designing, installing, and repairing solar electric and thermal systems. At SWA, Robb works with builders and designers to make residential buildings healthier, more efficient, less costly to build and to operate, and more comfortable.
Evaluation and research into new technologies and systems has been a key part of Robb’s work. These efforts – often funded by government agencies, utilities, or other stakeholders – have led to much deeper understanding of system performance and integration. This allows for a much more holistic approach when consulting with clients on specific buildings. Research and evaluation efforts have included:
• Energy and IAQ implications of ventilation systems
• Simplified heating and cooling in low-load homes
• Inverter-driven, air-source heat pump performance (esp. in cold climates)
• Assessment of hundreds of solar electric and solar thermal systems
• Performance of heat pump water heaters
Robb has published and presented results of these efforts at conferences across the country. He also leads classes and workshops to help builders, designers, and contractors find effective, practical ways of making healthier, more efficient, and more durable buildings.