Research: Deutsche Bank/Living Cities: Building Energy Efficiency Data Report
Deutsche Bank/Living Cities: Building Energy Efficiency Data Report
This newly published study shows the clear benefits of retrofitting existing multifamily buildings. SWA building scientists and database experts conducted the research, while partners HR&A parlayed the information into financial and real estate terms. This 18-month analysis of 19,000 New York City housing units details the significant economic and energy benefit of even modest retrofits. The study aims to provide the statistical underpinnings necessary to encourage private investment in sustainable, energy-efficient upgrades to existing multifamily housing stock, thereby revolutionizing an already dynamic new business sector.
We Always Knew it was True Urban Green Council Blog, November 9, 2011, by Richard Leigh.
Study Clarifies the Energy Savings in Retrofitted Buildings New York Times, November 8, 2011, by Julie Satow
Showing the Benefits of ‘Green’ Retrofits New York Times, June 2, 2010, by Julie Satow